Download Planets for Pagans Ebook {EPUB} {PDF} FB2

2015-04-30 6

Download Planets for Pagans by Renna Shesso - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: The sky was our original calendar, our original storybook, the first illustrated edition, the prototype GPS. Beyond its pragmatic usefulness, the sky was the domain of spirit, traversed by deities and a place to which human souls departed. Let's re-enchant it, shall we?–Renna Shesso
Impeccably researched by one of the most eclectic pagan scholars working today, this book aims to reengage our fascination with the planets and stars. Shesso looks at the mythology, legend, science and lore about the planets and most significant stars in a chapter-by-chapter format. Included are nearly 150 diagr